All-On-4All-on-4 implants are a teeth replacement option that supersedes the need for traditional dentures. This same-day teeth replacement treatment is superior to traditional dentures because it alleviates problems associated with chewing and speaking. While traditional dentures can be uncomfortable, inconvenient, and poorly fitted, All-on-4 implants are a state-of-the-art technology that offer attractive final results that are customized to fit securely in your mouth.

All-on-41 treatment is used as a total rehabilitation of teeth that have broken, decayed, or been otherwise compromised due to gum disease or other issues. This procedure is ideal for patients who have experienced significant tooth loss or tooth decay. Patients who have bone loss in the jaw can also benefit from this procedure. All-on-4 is a treatment option that’s perfect for patients whose jaw bone can’t support conventionally-oriented, vertical dental implants2.

How All-on-4 Implants Work

The All-on-4 Implant system works by installing four dental implants securely into the jaw bone. These implants can then be attached securely to a full dental restoration. Once they’re in place, the All-on-4 implants are extremely stable. They act as a solid anchor for the dental restoration. Once the dental restoration is in place it is functional and comfortable as well as attractive. Patients can chew and smile normally and go about their lives as they always have.


The four implants that are installed in the jaw bone are used to support a fixed prosthesis which can be placed within 24 hours after surgery. After the four implants are in place, the bone tissues integrate with them to create a solid point of attachment for the dental prosthesis.

At Pacific Northwest Prosthodontics, we begin the procedure by making sure that you’re comfortable. Then, we administer anesthesia. Your mouth will then be prepared for the installation of the implants. Remaining teeth that are broken or decayed must be removed along with diseased or infected tissue in the mouth and jaw.

During the implantation process, titanium posts will be inserted into the jawbone. Usually, two implants are placed toward the front of the mouth and two toward the back to allow even distribution of force on the denture. Once this process is complete, the surgical sites will be sutured. Finally, you’ll be taken to recovery to relax and wake up from the anesthesia.


Recovery from the All-on-4 implant procedure is faster than the recovery process involved in getting traditional dentures. The reason why recovery proceeds faster for All-on-4 implants is because the implant screws begin to fuse to your jaw bone almost immediately after they’re put in place.

On the first day of recovery, you’ll initially have some gauze packs in place that will need to be removed and replaced according to the dentist’s instructions. Patients should be gentle with the new implants and only rinse or brush the surgical areas with a very soft toothbrush. It’s not recommended that patients smoke after this procedure. Patients should try to keep their mouths as clean as possible.

During the week following surgery, patients should rest and avoid heavy lifting or strenuous activities that could cause inflammation or additional bleeding. Patients eat only soft foods during this time and pain management is important. Most patients are able to return to their normal routine within several days to one week after the procedure.

Who’s a good candidate for All-on-4 implants?

The ideal candidate for All-on-4 dental implants at Pacific Northwest Prosthodontics are people who have significant tooth loss and possibly jaw bone loss as well. This procedure was specifically developed to benefit patients who have jaw bone loss and who can’t benefit from vertical implants. All-on-4 treatment allows patients with bone loss to get secure, aesthetically pleasing implants without the need for bone grafting.

Benefits of All-on-4 Implants

The treatment is fast.

At Pacific Northwest Prosthodontics, we can put your dentures in place on the same day as your implants, which means you can put your new smile to use right away! There’s no need to wait a long time for the cosmetic benefits of having your teeth restored. All-on-4 offers a quick solution and better results than traditional dentures. In fact, All-on-4 installation times are shorter than other implants too and once the implants are in place, further bone loss in the jaw is often prevented.

Recovery time is reduced.

At Pacific Northwest Prosthodontics, we offer full-arch restoration using only four implants. As a result, the treatment takes little time to perform in the dental chair and the recovery period is greatly reduced.

All-on-4 Implants reduce the need for bone grafting.

The All-on-4 system reduces the need for bone graft surgery even among patients who have been told that they can’t get implants. In fact, All-on-4 treatment ensures enhanced stability in the existing bone tissue by using angulated implants that overcome any deficiencies in the jaw bone. Even patients who have suffered bone loss can qualify for All-on-4 implants.

Comfort is enhanced.

Traditional dentures slip and slide around inside the mouth. Without a proper anchor to hold them in place, dentures become uncomfortable. People who wear traditional dentures often smile less and have difficulty eating the foods they used to love. All-on-4 implants offer a solution to this problem by creating an anchor that can attach to a custom-created implant. Because the implant is attached solidly to the four anchors, it doesn’t move around inside the mouth. As a result, with All-on-4 technology, patients can smile, chew, and engage in all the activities they’ve enjoyed their entire lives. The All-on-4 implants and dental restoration are therefore much more comfortable than traditional dentures.

There’s no need for dental adhesive!

With traditional dentures, patients must always worry that their dentures are going to fall out or slip while eating, talking, or smiling. A dental adhesive is used to keep traditional dentures in place, but because All-on-4 implants are securely fastened to four solid anchors in the mouth, there’s no need for dental adhesive. And there’s no need to worry that your teeth are going to fall out of your mouth! With All-on-4, four implants in the jaw support a full fixed bridge. There’s no dental adhesive needed!

